Libby (OverDrive)

The Upper North Island OverDrive consortium (NOVeL) is a collaborative venture between several public libraries in the upper North Island of New Zealand offering access to digital content for their local communities. Libby is OverDrive's free digital media platform which allows you to download eBooks and eAudiobooks.

Libby logo 01

Click on the Libby logo to access OverDrive through the NOVeL website.

Getting Started

The first time you use our OverDrive collection you will need to download the free Libby app to your computer or mobile device (please note that Library eBook downloads are not compatible with Kindle at this time).

You will only need to download the app the first time you use Libby or if you want to use a new device to access your eBooks or audiobooks.

You will need your Library card number and PIN to use this collection. Please contact the Library staff if you do not know your PIN.

The NOVeL website offers detailed Help guidelines if you're new to using eBooks and audiobooks.

Getting eBooks and AudioBooks

The library catalog now contains our eBook collection.  Downloadable titles can be searched and downloaded from the catalog and managed from My Account.  You can choose a search method below to see just the downloadable content or use your normal search method and downloadable content will be included in your search results.



Just search on the catalogue normally.  Look for the format icons (red arrows in the diagram below) and then click the Download or Place Hold button (green arrows)

Format Icon

Or, after searching, limit your search by clicking on one of the Format or Vendor limits at the left of the screen (see images below).

Format Facet  eReader facet


Finding Just eBooks and AudioBooks

Before you search, select Otorohanga eBooks & Audiobooks instead of Everything - see the image below:

ebooks and audiobooks


The majority of downloadable titles purchased by the library, just like print books, are single copies.  That means when if a card holder checks out a title have to wait until it is returned.  If the downloadable title you want is already checked out by someone else, you will need to place a hold.

1. Click on Place Hold

2. Enter your library card and PIN number

3. The email address presented is from your library card account.  You may change it, but, changing it here does not update your library account.

4. Click on Place Hold to complete the process and you should get a message saying “Hold placed successfully”.


Wheelers ePlatform

Wheelers ePlatform 

Click on the ePlatform logo to access Wheelers eBooks.

Getting Started

To get started, download the ePlatform app to your device.  Search for "Otorohanga District Library" and use your library barcode and PIN to sign in.

The Wheelers ePlatform app is quick, simple and free to set up. Within minutes you'll be able to read your library eBooks  and eAudiobooks anywhere, any time, on most devices.

Even if you're offline, the ePlatform app is a quick and easy way to borrow and read eBooks on your iPad, Galaxy, Windows tablet or other tablet/mobile device - without downloading any additional software.

Just log in once and begin reading. When you exit, your place is automatically bookmarked and you can begin reading again with just one click.

To help you get started, see the "Help Overview" on the ePlatform.